Over the past several years, Quadrant Energy have been running an annual Medical Workshop to provide a high level of medical training to their HSE Advisors.

This past February, we came on board to run a 2-day course providing an opportunity for their medical personnel on offshore petroleum facilities to hone their skills and improve their management of medical emergencies in a realistic environment – which, as you can see from the photos, was exactly what we did!

The first day was a refresher course for review and practice of emergency and medical management, and the second day was hosted at ERGT with “live” location specific emergency and medical disaster scenarios.

Our “method acting” casualties went above and beyond the call of duty and embraced their role playing which gave focus and, at times, realistic disruptions to the emergency scenarios.

Facilitated by Professor Tony Celenza, Andrew Best and myself, the overall feedback from this event was glowing and, as facilitators, we were impressed by the exceptional performance of all participants who all rose to the challenges presented and brought their own “personal flavour” to each scenario.

A special thanks goes to the ERGT team who were outstanding in providing precise casualty extractions and the emergency depth needed to create – sometimes overly! – realistic scenarios for our attendees. By practicing their medical and leadership skills in simulated emergencies – out of their environment and out of their comfort zone – all participating Quadrant HSE Advisors were able to take their training to another level and surpass all expectations and learning objectives.

Thanks to the team at Quadrant Energy for having us – your HSE Advisors are a capable bunch!

Book an appointment by completing our online form.