Viruses spread easily in a work environment, especially in organisations with high levels of human contact. Our Doctors and Nurse Vaccinators conveniently provide vaccination services at your workplace or in one of our Centres.

Vaccinations such as Hepatitis A & B can assist in protecting staff that may be exposed to the risk of these hepatitis’s.

The influenza virus presents new strains each year so annual vaccinations are advisable to maximise protection in your workforce.

We understand that many professionals now require their staff to travel but travel also brings a host of new diseases. You can save time and money by referring staff to our Doctors who can supply and administer a full complement of Travel-Medicine and vaccines.

Wherever the destination, whether for work or recreation, we can advise and provide both employees and individuals on recommended vaccinations.

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Synthetic drugs pose a unique challenge for both individuals and healthcare professionals. Among these substances, synthetic cannabis stands out, offering a potent yet unpredictable experience with potentially severe health consequences.