Designed specifically for executives and key staff, these assessments are vital to keep your essential staff in top form – and your business functioning efficiently by extension. When they get sick, the cost on your business is the highest, so investing in professional health checks is highly recommended.

Often overlooked is the level of pressure this group are exposed to; such as long hours, irregular routines and travel along with high-stress decision making. An Executive Health Check offers the highest level of protection by providing a full-service assessment, along with personalised strategies to reduce or eliminate potential risks.

What is involved?

Your medical check takes an average of 3 hours to complete and includes a full examination and comprehensive array of tests, vital to determining your level of medical, mental and physical health.

Your check will include:

  • Medical Questionnaire
  • Blood Tests
  • Vision
  • Lungs
  • Heart Evaluation
  • Physical Examination

Following your medical is a results consultation with your Doctor.

This consultation provides a comprehensive report, including case management and referral (if required), along with a nutrition evaluation, exercise prescription and lifestyle recommendations. You also receive a personal health and lifestyle management programme outlining any key risk areas, as well as details on how you can receive ongoing support.

Protect your business by protecting the health of your Executives – call us to book in a Health Check today.

Book an appointment by completing our online form.