Summer is here and that means road trips for holidays and Christmas celebrations!

Amid all the excitement, keep in mind that this time of year is the most high risk for drivers on Australian roads, so it’s important to take extra precautions so you can travel safely during this season.

Check-up time!

Book in for a service before you hit the roads to make sure your vehicle is in top traveling order, from tires to oil, lights and brakes. This is essential for the safety of you and your family – especially if you will be spending time on our red-dirt roads for an outback or long-distance road trip.

Drive to the conditions.

In hot weather, take frequent breaks and check the car for signs of overheating. But this also includes the road conditions; is there traffic? Are you tired? Is it late? And if possible, during the peak party-times of Christmas and New Years, try to avoid being on the roads – especially at night.

Read the route.

Try to check ahead for heavy traffic conditions to find alternate routes, but also be aware of the higher risks when driving on rural roads; such as not driving after dusk to avoid kangaroos and wildlife and taking care on gravel or unsealed roads. Go for safer – not faster when it comes to choosing your route.

Find your Zen.

Summer roads are busier roads, so we just have to accept that and try to be as patient as possible when driving. There will be traffic and tourists and hungry, bored children in the back seat… summon your ‘zen’ and just think ahead to relaxing on the beach or with family – and ignore any road rage you might encounter!

Fight Fatigue.

Holidays are packed with events and driving, so it’s natural to feel tired – just be smart and plan ahead. Can you bring another driver with you and take turns? Can you leave a bit earlier and plan in a rest stop? Just make sure you aren’t planning to drive super early or late when you would normally be sleeping – that is when fatigue will naturally set in. Tiredness is one of the major causes of fatal accidents on Australian roads – so be aware and plan ahead.

Don’t forget – the holidays are about fun, family and a well-deserved break! Be safe and enjoy every moment, even if it is spent on the roads! Listen to music, play family games, stop for picnics and embrace the Christmas Spirit!

Book an appointment by completing our online form.