24/7 Online Health Support For Your Business.
Experience the Benefits of Telehealth with Complete Corporate Health
Whether working 24/7 in metro areas or on remote and rural sites, accessing expert medical assistance at the crucial moment of illness or injury can be difficult. Early intervention with professional medical advice and diagnosis provides potentially life-saving benefits, along with the cost savings of unnecessary medivacs or treatments. Telehealth can take the stress, cost and time-loss out of your after-hours emergencies.
Telehealth gives you access to quality – and timely – medical care and advice. Crucial for your remote workforce.
Telehealth is when health-related services and advice are delivered when needed via telecommunication platforms such as Zoom, Teams, FaceTime, Google Duo and more. With the use of online platforms, the right treatment and advice can be provided immediately following a workplace injury. Complete Corporate Health have been using Telehealth since 2008 to assist employers with injury management, offering clients fast and successful health support, 24/7.

Why Choose Telehealth For Your Workplace?
Early Injury Management Intervention
Our Telehealth solution allows you to have access to professional medical advice 24 hours a day, seven days a week for an immediate response and assistance with workplace injuries.
Virtual Injury Management Assessment
All you need is access to the internet, a webcam and a designated room for the privacy of your affected employee during the consultation. In order to make a proper diagnosis despite the distance, there are a range of tools available which assist in a Telehealth consultation.
Full Management & Diagnosis of Candidate + 24/7 Support
Your injured workers will have immediate access to our range of qualified medical personnel including doctors, nurses and allied health professionals for diagnosis, along with round-the-clock assistance available during their rehabilitation and treatment process.
Perfect for remote and rural workplaces
Telehealth makes remote injury management easy when you are on-site, helping your company protect both the health of your employees and the profitability of your business. The perfect option for mining, engineering and infrastructure companies – CCH provide you with expert, professional health support despite the distance, so your employee will be back on the job in no time.
Time & Cost Savings
Not just efficient and timely, Telehealth offers a company significant savings on medical costs while safely managing injuries. Reduce claim costs, cut down wasted travel-time, and increase employee and business productivity throughout the injury and recovery process.
Australia-Wide Telehealth
CCH offer Telehealth that benefits your business, no matter where you’re located. We can provide a solution tailored to your needs, regardless of how many sites, office or locations you operate.
How does it work?
Telehealth is easy to implement in your organisation, and will be up and running almost instantly, offering professional health support right where you need it.
CCH will provide you with 24/7 contact numbers and lines through Skype or Facetime – whichever is easiest for your company.
You instantly have access to your Occupational health professional who will remain your point of contact for candidates and your onsite injury management coordinator.
CCH supply tools for diagnosis such as a digital stethoscope or otoscope as needed.
Depending on the injury and needs of the candidate, reviews / follow ups will be scheduled, and your IMC will continue with treatment if required.
All medical certificates (including WorkCover WA) can be issued during any stage of service.